Friday, March 26, 2010


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Many times I get to see women complaining about harassments in the cyber space where the main offender is generally a man/group of men. How about thinking it in the opposite way?  Surprising? Well, not always… women too play parts of offenders to tease and harass men; however, the impact may not be that deeper like in cases of men harassing women, but it is neither “never happened before” case. While I was going through some newsletters, I came across several cases where women are booked for harassing men. Men also fall victims of cyber stalking or defamation or even bullying, hacking and economic crimes and the offender may not be men always.  But probably men do not care to report such incidences unless it is becoming “too much”. For example, women fans often become obsessed with male cine stars /tv actors/players and the truth “pen is mightier than the sword” still plays good when an obsessed female fan tries to reach her hero by hook or crook. Well, I pick up celebs just to give an example. I know many of you male readers are giving mischievous grins as you read this, but this is also a hard truth that cyber behaviors such as being an obsessive stalker or bully or using harsh language/ false statements  in the internet for defaming  some one is very much common for both men and women. Well, the law remains the same when the victim cries for justice and blind towards pleas like “I am woman, spare with me” while awarding the sentence. Hence men and women both should be careful for using internet. Gentlemen, do not always get carried  away by ladies, better have a safe distance ……..Ladies, do not push yourselves towards the extreme steps of becoming ‘accused’….remember you set an example to others.

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