Monday, July 27, 2009

Are you pulling your friend in the vicious net?Cyber stalking, Part:2
contd from my earlier post....

The last point that I mentioned in the previous post was about CCing the mails. Believe it or not, this attracts cyber stalking as well. I was completely oblivion of this fact (excuse my innocence) until and unless one senior friend of mine pointed out that sending bulk mails is actually a way of pulling your friend in the vicious net . You may have several people in your “list” to inform the good news or even a bad news. You don’t have time to mail every id individually. But then you must remember that the recipient may misuse the email ids he receives in the bulk mail. Well it need not be him, but it could be someone else who may have hacked his email id. Such bulk mail gives a large number of “games” for the hacker and in no time you may find your own email id is hacked as well.

But could CCing be so dangerous? Probably yes. I have one friend who had two ids in her list and whom he used to mail regularly. Well, he knew that these two people had a romantic inclination towards each other in real life but he didn’t know that the relationship has turned sour. The female recipient had put the mail in the spam list and never looked into the content. The male recipient found out his long lost ex sweet heart and immediately took up the thread to continue virtual war. He mailed almost all the recipients of the said mail to know her where about. Some knew the relationship some didn’t know. Virtually he traveled half the globe, reached hundreds of friends and made the girl understand he still remembers her “rude” rejection. Now who is to be blamed for rolling the ball? My poor friend had to close his “doors” in the internet for few months until the war died down again with the help of another common friend. But this is not an uncommon story. This happens to many email users who unknowingly invite trouble for their friends. I suppose the only way to avoid such embarrassment is to stop CCing any personal mail to your “bulk of friends”. Instead, BCCing is better where you may not only save time but you can also spare your friends from falling prey to stalker.